Open 3D Engine Multiplayer Gem API Reference 23.10.0
O3DE is an open-source, fully-featured, high-fidelity, modular 3D engine for building games and simulations, available to every industry.
Multiplayer::MultiplayerComponent Class Referenceabstract

Inherits AZ::Component.

Public Member Functions

 AZ_CLASS_ALLOCATOR (MultiplayerComponent, AZ::SystemAllocator)
 AZ_RTTI (MultiplayerComponent, "{B7F5B743-CCD3-4981-8F1A-FC2B95CE22D7}", AZ::Component)
NetEntityId GetNetEntityId () const
bool IsNetEntityRoleAuthority () const
bool IsNetEntityRoleAutonomous () const
bool IsNetEntityRoleServer () const
bool IsNetEntityRoleClient () const
ConstNetworkEntityHandle GetEntityHandle () const
NetworkEntityHandle GetEntityHandle ()
void MarkDirty ()
virtual void OnNetworkActivated ()
virtual void SetOwningConnectionId (AzNetworking::ConnectionId connectionId)=0
virtual NetComponentId GetNetComponentId () const =0
virtual bool HandleRpcMessage (AzNetworking::IConnection *invokingConnection, NetEntityRole netEntityRole, NetworkEntityRpcMessage &rpcMessage)=0
virtual bool SerializeStateDeltaMessage (ReplicationRecord &replicationRecord, AzNetworking::ISerializer &serializer)=0
virtual void NotifyStateDeltaChanges (ReplicationRecord &replicationRecord)=0
virtual bool HasController () const =0
virtual MultiplayerControllerGetController ()=0
virtual const MultiplayerControllerGetController () const =0
const NetBindComponentGetNetBindComponent () const
NetBindComponentGetNetBindComponent ()
template<typename ComponentType >
const ComponentType * FindComponent () const
template<typename ComponentType >
ComponentType * FindComponent ()

Static Public Member Functions

static void Reflect (AZ::ReflectContext *context)
static void GetRequiredServices (AZ::ComponentDescriptor::DependencyArrayType &required)

Protected Member Functions

virtual void ConstructController ()=0
virtual void DestructController ()=0
virtual void ActivateController (EntityIsMigrating entityIsMigrating)=0
virtual void DeactivateController (EntityIsMigrating entityIsMigrating)=0
virtual void NetworkAttach (NetBindComponent *netBindComponent, ReplicationRecord &currentEntityRecord, ReplicationRecord &predictableEntityRecord)=0

Protected Attributes

NetBindComponentm_netBindComponent = nullptr
AZ::Event ::Handler m_networkActivatedHandler


class NetworkEntityHandle
class NetBindComponent
class MultiplayerController

Member Function Documentation

◆ FindComponent()

template<typename ComponentType >
const ComponentType * Multiplayer::MultiplayerComponent::FindComponent

Linearly searches the components attached to the entity and returns the requested component.

the requested component, or nullptr if the component does not exist on the entity

◆ GetNetBindComponent()

const NetBindComponent * Multiplayer::MultiplayerComponent::GetNetBindComponent ( ) const

Returns the NetBindComponent responsible for network binding for this entity.

the NetBindComponent responsible for network binding for this entity

◆ OnNetworkActivated()

virtual void Multiplayer::MultiplayerComponent::OnNetworkActivated ( )

Override to run component logic when the NetworkEntity has completed network activation Invoked when the NetworkEntity is attached and has RPCs bound via m_networkActivatedHandler Requires m_networkActivatedHandler be registered via NetBindComponent::AddNetworkActivatedEventHandler

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