Open 3D Engine AzCore API Reference 23.10.0
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AZ::Serialize::IDataContainer::IAssociativeDataContainer Class Referenceabstract

Mix-in for associative container actions, implement or provide this to offer key/value actions. More...

#include <SerializeContext.h>

Inherited by AZ::Internal::AZStdAssociativeContainer< AZStd::map >, AZ::Internal::AZStdAssociativeContainer< AZStd::set >, AZ::Internal::AZStdAssociativeContainer< AZStd::unordered_map >, AZ::Internal::AZStdAssociativeContainer< AZStd::unordered_multimap >, AZ::Internal::AZStdAssociativeContainer< AZStd::unordered_multiset >, AZ::Internal::AZStdAssociativeContainer< AZStd::unordered_set >, and AZ::Internal::AZStdAssociativeContainer< T >.


struct  KeyPtrDeleter

Public Member Functions

 AZ_TYPE_INFO_WITH_NAME_DECL (IAssociativeDataContainer)
AZStd::shared_ptr< void > CreateKey ()
 Reserve a key that can be used for associative container operations.
virtual void * GetElementByKey (void *instance, const ClassElement *classElement, const void *key)=0
 Get an element's address by its key. Not used for serialization.
virtual void SetElementKey (void *element, void *key)=0
 Populates element with key (for associative containers). Not used for serialization.
virtual void * GetValueByKey (void *instance, const void *key)=0
 Get the mapped value's address by its key. If there is no mapped value (like in a set<>) the value returned is the key itself.

Protected Member Functions

virtual void * AllocateKey ()=0
 Reserve a key and get its address. Used by CreateKey.
virtual void FreeKey (void *key)=0
 Deallocates a key created by ReserveKey. Used by CreateKey.

Detailed Description

Mix-in for associative container actions, implement or provide this to offer key/value actions.

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