Open 3D Engine AzCore API Reference 23.10.0
O3DE is an open-source, fully-featured, high-fidelity, modular 3D engine for building games and simulations, available to every industry.
AZ::IO::parser Namespace Reference


struct  PathParser


using parser_path_type = PathView
using string_view_pair = AZStd::pair< AZStd::string_view, AZStd::string_view >
using PosPtr = const typename parser_path_type::value_type *


enum  ParserState : uint8_t {
  PS_BeforeBegin = PathView::const_iterator::BeforeBegin , PS_InRootName = PathView::const_iterator::InRootName , PS_InRootDir = PathView::const_iterator::InRootDir , PS_InFilenames = PathView::const_iterator::InFilenames ,
  PS_AtEnd = PathView::const_iterator::AtEnd
enum class  PathPartKind : uint8_t {
  PK_None , PK_RootName , PK_RootSep , PK_Filename ,
  PK_Dot , PK_DotDot


constexpr string_view_pair SeparateFilename (const AZStd::string_view &srcView)
constexpr PathPartKind ClassifyPathPart (const PathParser &parser)
constexpr bool ConsumeRootName (PathParser *pathParser)
constexpr bool ConsumeRootDir (PathParser *pathParser)
constexpr int CompareRootName (PathParser *lhsPathParser, PathParser *rhsPathParser)
constexpr int CompareRootDir (PathParser *lhsPathParser, PathParser *rhsPathParser)
constexpr int CompareRelative (PathParser *lhsPathParserPtr, PathParser *rhsPathParserPtr)
constexpr int CompareEndState (PathParser *lhsPathParser, PathParser *rhsPathParser)
constexpr size_t HashSegment (AZStd::string_view pathSegment, bool hashExactPath)
 Path is using FNV-1a algorithm 64 bit version.
constexpr size_t HashPath (PathParser &pathParser)
constexpr int DetermineLexicalElementCount (PathParser pathParser)

Detailed Description

PathParser implementation For internal use only