Open 3D Engine AzToolsFramework API Reference 23.10.0
O3DE is an open-source, fully-featured, high-fidelity, modular 3D engine for building games and simulations, available to every industry.
AzToolsFramework::DPERowWidget Class Reference

Inherits QFrame.


struct  AttributeInfo

Public Member Functions

void Clear ()
 destroy all layout contents and clear DOM children
DPERowWidgetGetPriorRowInLayout (size_t domIndex)
int GetDomIndexOfChild (const QWidget *childWidget) const
QWidget * GetChild (size_t domIndex)
void AddChildFromDomValue (const AZ::Dom::Value &childValue, size_t domIndex)
void RemoveChildAt (size_t childIndex, QWidget **newOwner=nullptr)
void SetValueFromDom (const AZ::Dom::Value &domArray)
 clears and repopulates all children from a given DOM array
void SetAttributesFromDom (const AZ::Dom::Value &domArray)
void SetPropertyEditorAttributes (size_t domIndex, const AZ::Dom::Value &domArray, QWidget *childWidget)
void RemoveCachedAttributes (size_t domIndex)
void ClearCachedAttributes ()
void HandleOperationAtPath (const AZ::Dom::PatchOperation &domOperation, size_t pathIndex=0)
 handles a patch operation at the given path, or delegates to a child that will
DPERowWidgetGetLastDescendantInLayout ()
 returns the last descendant of this row in its own layout
void SetExpanded (bool expanded, bool recurseToChildRows=false)
bool IsExpanded () const
void ApplyExpansionState (const AZ::Dom::Path &rowPath, DocumentPropertyEditor *rowDPE)
bool HasChildRows () const
int GetLevel () const

Protected Slots

void onExpanderChanged (int expanderState)

Protected Member Functions

DocumentPropertyEditorGetDPE () const
void AddDomChildWidget (size_t domIndex, QWidget *childWidget)
void AddColumnWidget (QWidget *columnWidget, size_t domIndex, const AZ::Dom::Value &domValue)
void AddRowChild (DPERowWidget *rowWidget, size_t domIndex)
void PlaceRowChild (DPERowWidget *rowWidget, size_t domIndex)
AZ::Dom::Path BuildDomPath () const
void SaveExpanderStatesForChildRows (bool isExpanded)
AttributeInfoGetCachedAttributes (size_t domIndex)

Static Protected Member Functions

static bool ValueHasChildRows (const AZ::Dom::Value &rowValue)

Protected Attributes

DPERowWidgetm_parentRow = nullptr
int m_depth = -1
 number of levels deep in the tree. Used for indentation
DPELayoutm_columnLayout = nullptr
AZStd::deque< QWidget * > m_domOrderedChildren
 widget children in DOM specified order; mix of row and column widgets
AZStd::unordered_map< size_t, AttributeInfom_childIndexToCachedAttributeInfo
bool m_expandingProgrammatically = false
 indicates whether an expansion is in progress
AZStd::optional< bool > m_forceAutoExpand
AZStd::optional< bool > m_expandByDefault


bool hasChildRows
int getLevel


class DocumentPropertyEditor
class DPELayout

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