Open 3D Engine Atom Gem API Reference 23.10.0
O3DE is an open-source, fully-featured, high-fidelity, modular 3D engine for building games and simulations, available to every industry.
AZ::DX12::PipelineLayout Class Referencefinal

#include <PipelineLayout.h>

Public Member Functions

 AZ_CLASS_ALLOCATOR (PipelineLayout, AZ::SystemAllocator)
void Init (ID3D12DeviceX *dx12Device, const RHI::PipelineLayoutDescriptor &descriptor)
 Initializes the pipeline layout.
size_t GetRootParameterBindingCount () const
 Returns the number of root parameter bindings (1-to-1 with SRG).
RootParameterBinding GetRootParameterBindingByIndex (size_t index) const
 Returns the root parameter binding for the flat index.
RootParameterIndex GetRootConstantsRootParameterIndex () const
 Returns the root parameter index for the Root Constants.
size_t GetSlotByIndex (size_t index) const
 Returns the SRG binding slot associated with the SRG flat index.
size_t GetIndexBySlot (size_t slot) const
 Returns the SRG flat index associated with the SRG binding slot.
bool HasRootConstants () const
 Returns whether this pipeline layout has inline constants.
const RHI::PipelineLayoutDescriptorGetPipelineLayoutDescriptor () const
ID3D12RootSignature * Get () const
 Returns the platform pipeline layout object.
HashValue64 GetHash () const
 Returns the hash of the pipeline layout provided by the descriptor.


class PipelineLayoutCache
template<typename T >
struct AZStd::IntrusivePtrCountPolicy

Detailed Description

PipelineLayouts are created from a cache. They are internally de-duplicated using the hash value computed by the descriptor. Ownership of a particular element in the cache is still externally managed (via ConstPtr). When all references to a particular instance are destroyed, the object is unregistered from the cache. Therefore, ownership is still managed by the application and the cache doesn't grow unbounded.

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