Open 3D Engine Atom Gem API Reference 23.10.0
O3DE is an open-source, fully-featured, high-fidelity, modular 3D engine for building games and simulations, available to every industry.
AZ::Render::SkyAtmosphereParams Struct Reference

Public Attributes

AZ::Vector3 m_luminanceFactor
 Params that are used for LUT generation.
AZ::Vector3 m_rayleighScattering
AZ::Vector3 m_mieScattering
AZ::Vector3 m_mieAbsorption
AZ::Vector3 m_absorption
AZ::Vector3 m_groundAlbedo
float m_rayleighExpDistribution
float m_mieExpDistribution
float m_planetRadius
float m_atmosphereRadius
AZ::Vector3 m_planetOrigin
 General params.
uint8_t m_minSamples
uint8_t m_maxSamples
AZ::Vector3 m_sunDirection
AZ::Color m_sunColor
AZ::Color m_sunLimbColor
float m_sunFalloffFactor
float m_sunRadiusFactor
float m_sunShadowsFarClip
float m_nearClip
float m_nearFadeDistance
float m_aerialDepthFactor
bool m_shadowsEnabled
bool m_sunEnabled
bool m_fastSkyEnabled
bool m_fastAerialPerspectiveEnabled
bool m_aerialPerspectiveEnabled

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