Open 3D Engine LmbrCentral Gem API Reference 23.10.0
O3DE is an open-source, fully-featured, high-fidelity, modular 3D engine for building games and simulations, available to every industry.
LmbrCentral::BoxShape Class Reference

Inherits ShapeComponentRequestsBus::Handler, BoxShapeComponentRequestsBus::Handler, and AZ::TransformNotificationBus::Handler.

Inherited by LmbrCentral::AxisAlignedBoxShape.


class  BoxIntersectionDataCache
 Runtime data - cache potentially expensive operations. More...

Public Member Functions

virtual void Activate (AZ::EntityId entityId)
void Deactivate ()
void InvalidateCache (InvalidateShapeCacheReason reason)
AZ::Crc32 GetShapeType () override
AZ::Aabb GetEncompassingAabb () override
void GetTransformAndLocalBounds (AZ::Transform &transform, AZ::Aabb &bounds) override
bool IsPointInside (const AZ::Vector3 &point) override
float DistanceSquaredFromPoint (const AZ::Vector3 &point) override
AZ::Vector3 GenerateRandomPointInside (AZ::RandomDistributionType randomDistribution) override
bool IntersectRay (const AZ::Vector3 &src, const AZ::Vector3 &dir, float &distance) override
AZ::Vector3 GetTranslationOffset () const override
void SetTranslationOffset (const AZ::Vector3 &translationOffset) override
BoxShapeConfig GetBoxConfiguration () override
AZ::Vector3 GetBoxDimensions () const override
void SetBoxDimensions (const AZ::Vector3 &dimensions) override
bool IsTypeAxisAligned () override
void OnTransformChanged (const AZ::Transform &local, const AZ::Transform &world) override
void OnNonUniformScaleChanged (const AZ::Vector3 &scale)
const AZ::Vector3 & GetCurrentNonUniformScale () const
const BoxShapeConfigGetBoxConfiguration () const
void SetBoxConfiguration (const BoxShapeConfig &boxShapeConfig)
const AZ::Transform & GetCurrentTransform () const
void SetDrawColor (const AZ::Color &color)
BoxShapeConfigModifyConfiguration ()

Static Public Member Functions

static void Reflect (AZ::ReflectContext *context)

Protected Attributes

BoxIntersectionDataCache m_intersectionDataCache
 Caches transient intersection data.
AZ::Transform m_currentTransform
 Caches the current transform for the entity on which this component lives.
AZ::EntityId m_entityId
 Id of the entity the box shape is attached to.
AZ::NonUniformScaleChangedEvent::Handler m_nonUniformScaleChangedHandler
 Responds to changes in non-uniform scale.
AZ::Vector3 m_currentNonUniformScale = AZ::Vector3::CreateOne()
 Caches the current non-uniform scale.
BoxShapeConfig m_boxShapeConfig
 Underlying box configuration.
AZStd::shared_mutex m_mutex
 Mutex to allow multiple readers but single writer for efficient thread safety.

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