Open 3D Engine NvCloth Gem API Reference 23.10.0
O3DE is an open-source, fully-featured, high-fidelity, modular 3D engine for building games and simulations, available to every industry.
NvCloth::ClothComponentMesh Class Reference

#include <ClothComponentMesh.h>

Inherits AZ::TransformNotificationBus::Handler, AZ::TickBus::Handler, and Physics::WindNotificationsBus::Handler.


struct  RenderData

Public Member Functions

 AZ_RTTI (ClothComponentMesh, "{15A0F10C-6248-4CE4-A6FD-0E2D8AFCFEE8}")
 ClothComponentMesh (AZ::EntityId entityId, const ClothConfiguration &config)
 AZ_DISABLE_COPY_MOVE (ClothComponentMesh)
const RenderDataGetRenderData () const
RenderDataGetRenderData ()
void UpdateConfiguration (AZ::EntityId entityId, const ClothConfiguration &config)
void CopyRenderDataToModel ()

Protected Member Functions

void Setup (AZ::EntityId entityId, const ClothConfiguration &config)
void TearDown ()
void OnPreSimulation (ClothId clothId, float deltaTime)
void OnPostSimulation (ClothId clothId, float deltaTime, const AZStd::vector< SimParticleFormat > &updatedParticles)
void OnTransformChanged (const AZ::Transform &local, const AZ::Transform &world) override
void OnTick (float deltaTime, AZ::ScriptTimePoint time) override
int GetTickOrder () override
void OnGlobalWindChanged () override
void OnWindChanged (const AZ::Aabb &aabb) override


class ClothDebugDisplay

Detailed Description

Class that applies cloth simulation to Static Meshes and Actors by reading their data and modifying the render nodes in real time.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: